Description of Project: Every year at Fredonia Radio Systems, elections are held to select the next year’s E-Board. Due to the pandemic, these speeches changed from being in person in a lecture hall to short videos made at home. Unfortunately for me, I was going for a degree in film, and I couldn’t bring myself to just shoot myself with the selfie camera on my phone. So I got some friends together one afternoon and we had some fun.

Description of Production: This project was haphazardly shot in one afternoon with the highest quality filmmaking equipment we had access to. I wrote the speech pretty last minute, maybe even on set, and edited it as soon as we were done. It was a fun and fast project, and the final result was very well received. Although I was running unopposed, it was fun to go all out on an election video that would make no difference.

Description of Duties: There wasn’t much of a hierarchy on this set, as it was just 4 dudes with some time to kill. I did write, edit, and star in this project at the very least